Saturday, June 12, 2010

Waiting at 14,200'

Due to high winds and still more snow the team is waiting at 14,200' for better weather. Reports from high camp say that the wind is blowing 30-40 mph. Hopefully it is a little calmer at 14,000'
We will keep everyone posted as soon as the team makes a move.

Nicki asked a very good question in our comments section: How do we defrost food in freezing conditions? Thanks for the good question Nicki. I am sure others have wondered the same thing. Unlike at home, they can't leave food on the counter or throw it in the microwave to thaw it. There are a few options they have though. They can put sealed bags of food in warm water as they are cooking to thaw them. Another option is to simply cook the food from its frozen state. Lastly as the guides are cooking up a storm their bodies are generating enough heat that they can put bags of food inside of their jackets to help thaw them out. On the other end of the spectrum there can be problems keeping the food cold on the mountain. Later in the season like this temperatures on the lower glacier can be unbearably hot. Once in camp guides will usually build a fridge for the cold food. This is simply a hole in the snow with the food in it and then a door made of snow and ice to keep the heat and pesky ravens out of the food.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, cheese burgers? This guided trip is turning you into a pampered camper. Best of luck on the trip, we are all rooting for you, be safe and step carefully in the vestibule
